
RISKY - that's a wrap

GREY LYNN, Auckland - Wow. Today we were blown away by the skill-set on hand for our final day of filming for Risky's video.  Professional, super-talented, on-to-it, fun - what more could you dream for?  Mara TK nailed his close-ups while singing his vocals and lyrics, and Yolanda from Body FX more than catered to our requests, creating a beautiful sense of depth and wonder with UV body paints.  Our contemporary dancer for the visuals, Hannah Tasker-Poland, simply blew us away with her precision, flexibility, quick + effective responses to direction.  It is her ability as a dancer, however, that left us completely astonished.  We feel so happy to have had the opportunity to work with these down-to-earth and gifted creatures.  We cannot wait to get into the editing room! 

WE CARE - fundraiser exhibition for the Children of Gaza

WE CARE - A fundraiser exhibition running from October 03rd - 08th, featuring works from Chris Booth, John Papas, Scott McFarlane, Richard Adams, Herb Foley, Bill Snyder, Peter Bromhead, Hannah Cleghorn, Chris Reid, and Julia Reinholt.  We filmed this for non-profit project ZHIZHY.

All proceeds from this exhibition go to KIA ORA GAZA and SAVE THE CHILDREN.